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Coffees that Taste Like Apple

Our top picks for Apple tasting notes this month.
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Blue Orchid #1489
Toffee, Apple, Irish Cream
Ethiopia Ardi Natural #1014
Grape, Cherry, Black Cherry
Guatemala Ixlama #1611
Caramel, Apple Butter, Almond
Colombia Amigos del Huila #1774
Cookie, Dried Fruit, Apple
Organic Tomorrow Seasonal Project #1860
Cherry, Candied Pecan, Pecan
Bolivia Illimani #1861
Pomegranate, Chocolate, Brown Sugar
Decaf Flume Seasonal Blend #1864
Cocoa Powder, Apple, Cocoa
Après Decaf #1875
Toffee, Chocolate, Apple
Decaf ASPROTimaná #1909
Chocolate, Apple, Blueberry
Honduras Angel BBs - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1926
Chocolate Covered Almonds, Almond, Chocolate
Colombia, La Magdalena, Tolima - Certified Organic #2002
Toffee, Apple, Concord Grape