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Coffees that Taste Like Butterscotch

Our top picks for Butterscotch tasting notes this month.
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Cabañas - Santa Barbara, Honduras #1884
Butterscotch, Stone Fruit, Brown Sugar
Honduras Cielito Lindo - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1927
Caramel, Cherry, Butterscotch
Stargazer Blend - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1932
Butterscotch, Raspberry, Candied Almonds
Righteous Espresso Blend - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1933
Butterscotch, Honeyed Hibiscus, Punchy
Colombia Condor EA Decaf #1968
Butterscotch, Spice, Berry
Crown Point Espresso - Certified Organic #2003
Butterscotch, Raspberry, Chocolate