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Coffees that Taste Like Maple

Our top picks for Maple tasting notes this month.
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Luna French Roast #203
Vanilla, Almond, Chocolate
Organic Tomorrow Seasonal Project #1860
Cherry, Candied Pecan, Pecan
Decaf Flume Seasonal Blend #1864
Cocoa Powder, Apple, Cocoa
Mt Pleasant Blend - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1935
Maple Candy, Pine, Maple
Kenya Kericho Highlands - Certified Fairtrade #1937
Pomegranate, Black Currants, Currant
Nor'wester #1946
Cherry, Malt Chocolate, Chocolate
Kexp Blend #1947
Cherry, Black Cherry, Orange
Cold Brew Blend #2025
Maple, Hazelnut