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Coffees that Taste Like Praline

Our top picks for Praline tasting notes this month.
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Portage Blend #1255
Raisin, Cocoa Powder, Cocoa
00 Decaf Colombia Huila #1561
Banana Candy, Lemon Sherbet, Praline
Brazil Coopfam - Certified Fairtrade #1920
Honey, Peanut And Cashew Brittle, Praline
Regina #1972
Cocoa, Praline, Berries
Costa Rica La Candelilla Washed #2042
Cacao, Citrus, Black Tea
Organic Decaf Funky Chicken #2048
Citrus, Dark Chocolate, Praline
Organic Funky Chicken #2050
Nutty, Citrus, Dark Chocolate
Organic Starr Hill Stout #2053
Citrus, Dark Chocolate, Praline
Bolivia Finca Tacu Java Natural #2061
Melon, Honeydew, Apricot