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Coffees that Taste Like Orange

Our top picks for Orange tasting notes this month.
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Catapult Blend #695
Caramel, Cinnamon, Chocolate
Novacella Decaf #12
Nutty, Cedar, Cocoa Powder
Crossfade Espresso Blend #16
Caramel, Orange Marmalade, Chocolate
Organic August Blend #1363
Honey, Chocolate, Orange
Honduras, Walter Bautista #1796
Blackberry, Black Currant, Currant
Guatemala Don Guayo #1817
Caramel, Chocolate, Orange
Old School Tattoo #1839
Caramel, Nutty, Orange
Mexican 'Tenejapa' #1848
Orange, Brownie, Orange Zest
Hell Yeah! Blend #1871
Swiss Chocolate, Chocolate, Orange
Colombia - Decaf #1895
Sweet Tea, Orange Peel, Orange
Honduras - Rafael Lara #1900
Orange Cream, Tamarind, Orange
Guatemala Nayo Ovalle #1908
Chocolate, Orange, Milk Chocolate
Kexp Blend #1947
Cherry, Black Cherry, Orange
Orange, Dark Chocolate, Molasses
Owl's Howl - Certified Organic #2009
Candied Orange Peel, Stone Fruit, Orange